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It might be a guy thing, I don't know, but gadgets are just cool.. spy gadgets are even cooler. Admittedly, I bought the X-Ray glasses, disappearing ink and the telescope pen from the back of comic books when I was a kid. Why? Because they are cool spy gadgets! I also grew up watching James Bond, pretending I was 007 and had a license to kill (usually my brother). Movies and shows like James Bond and Get Smart were very popular, and the gadgets they used were the fantasies of millions of viewers. Thanks to technology, yesterday's dreams are today's reality.. and the cool spy gadgets we used to dream for are very affordable.

There may be no better time to enjoy Christmas Movies than around the holiday season. Something about watching a classic or one of the new popular ones seems to set the mood for the whole holiday season. Even better is that just about everyone can enjoy the movies from the youngest to the oldest. Plus, these usually have an affordable price tag.

The cutting edge is addictive. Once you get into techno-toys, it's hard to stop. You get excited when you see the newest model out on the market. You read about the new features, you watch the reviews, you comparison shop until the price comes down--and then you jump on the best deal. If you love gadgets, it's hard not to keep up with the latest trends. No matter the type of tool, the technology industry is making new developments every year. This year's coolest devices have more to offer than last year's, and next year's techno-toys are sure to make this year's look like stone tools. When you're into technology, it's tough not to keep up with the latest trends.

A. Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF 700 - one of the fastest of the Android tablets, this Unique gadget gift ideas for tech enthusiasts has a clear and sharp screen, a well-functioning GPS and fast loading. It sells at $428.00 and is a great choice for an android tablet.

One of the really cool 'Jetson' style gadgets out right now is video conferencing. Imagine talking face to face with people who can't make it home for the holidays. Their service for unlimited video calling is the same $19.99/month. All you need is a broadband internet connection and a special phone with the camera built-in.

Take the headache Innovative new tech gadgets to watch out for of opening wine with a gourmet wine cork set. You can find them virtually anywhere, including Bed, Bath & Beyond, Cost Plus World Market, liquor stores, department stores and online.

Club of The Month - the cool thing about this idea is the sheer of number of possibilities open to you as the gift giver. There's a club of the month for just about anything you can think of, including BEER, BOOKS, WINE, BOXERS, CLOTHING, TEA, HOT SAUCE, CIGARS, NECKTIES, MOVIES, PIZZA and on. Pick something he would love to get once a month every month for a year and this should make him very appreciative.

Sony Style. If it's gadgets you want, and the newest, coolest, tech-iest gadgets at that, then this is the place to come if you can cope with the crowds. Try the new technology hands on, and expect to see the newest in MP3 Players, Laptops, and Mobile Phones - as well as the gadget that is set to take the literary world by storm: The Reader Digital Book.

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